156 x 234 x 14mm
This book is aimed at prospective and existing managers of a Management Buy-Out or Management Buy-In.MBO / MBIs are inherently risky with failure rate being relatively high. This book can increase your chances of success, by describing some common elephant traps, bad practices and risks, and how best to avoid them. Management Buy-Outs and Management Buy-Ins are a hi-octane part of the business world. It is a high risk: high reward arena. Metaphorically an MBO/MBI is like fitting an 8 litre V12 engine into an aged VW Beetle and expecting it to perform much better than before, or as someone more colourfully put it: "a venture capitalist would expect that if you made love nine times in a night, the baby will arrive in 4 weeks". Since 1991 I have experienced 8 such deals. They vary greatly: staggering success to the verge of financial oblivion - and fortunately back again.