Intermediate Level Users.
A comprehensive, step-by-step guide to planning a career as a Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP), this book presents an in-depth analysis of the different options available to MCPs, and a thorough review of all the resources at hand - certification guides, job banks, online newsgroups, professional development Web sites, and trade magazines. The book is a complete update to the successful 'MCSE Career Microsoft' and since its publication in 1997, the Microsoft certification program has dramatically changed and developed, and the market for Microsoft Certified Professionals continues to grow exponentially.
This book contains real-world portraits of Microsoft's three major certification programs: Microsoft Certified Professional, Microsoft Office User Specialist, and Microsoft Sales Specialist. Comparative analysis of the eight Microsoft Certified Professional career tracks, including responsibilities, benefits, and opportunities is also provided. Finally, the book includes valuable interviews with Microsoft Certified Professionals and industry leaders.