The Definitive Guide to the X Window System.
Intermediate Level Users.
This Manual is a source for complete, accurate, and insightful guidance on Motif application programming. It describes how to write applications using the Motif toolkit from the Open Software Foundation (OSF), and goes into detail on every Motif widget class, with useful examples that will help programmers develop their own code. The book also includes information on Motif; and is full of tips about programming in general and about user interface design.
The book covers topics such as how the Motif programming model is based on the X Toolkit Intrinsics, and how it differs from them; the drag-and-drop mechanism for transferring data; techniques used to create an interface with the UIL prototyping tool; and many more. The book assumes competence with the C programming language, and familiarity with fundamental X Window System concepts. It is an ideal companion to 'Motif Reference Manual - Volume 6B'.