Arousing, inspiring, comforting - music is capable of stimulating both passion and compassion, speaking to our very core and taking us to the heights or depths of emotion. In Musicophilia, Oliver Sacks explores this phenomenon through various case studies, including a surgeon who is struck by lightning and subsequently becomes obsessed with Chopin. Describing how music can animate people with Parkinson's Disease, can give words to stroke patients, or calm those disorientated by Alzheimer's or schizophrenia, Sacks uses the example of music, and stories of individual experience, to illuminate the universal human condition.
A man was struck by lightning out in a field. His kids were playing soccer in the park. He stopped to make a call on a payphone. Later, he realized that he had the ability to play and understand classical piano. It is case studies like this and many more that are presented to us in Oliver Sacks astounding book, Musicophilia. Reviewed by 01jl
QBD, 01/09/2014