With breathtaking speed our species has undergone fundamental changes that have transformed us into what the authors call a "superspecies".
This book takes an unflinching look at where we are at this unprecedented moment in history. Suzuki and Dressel reveal that a clear and present environmental danger is staring us in the face, a danger which is all the greater in view of our confidence in the strength and the speed of our technological advances.
However, experts maintain we still have time to avoid this breakdown if we slow down and turn onto alternative roads, roads that will lead to a life still rich in opportunity, choice and quality.
The first part of this book brings in the views of a number of respected environmentalists, researchers and scientists - from Carl Sagan to Richard Leakey, Paul Ehrlich, and Noam Chomsky. The book goes on to look searchingly at issues which have only recently assumed such vital importance such as globalisation, the information explosion, and the breakdown of the old order of two Super Powers into numerous potentially warring factions.