A photographer's book of aerial photographs, with captions of a renown historian. The Normandy landings have spawned hundreds of publications in the last 75 years, but until now, not a single one showed the main landings sites from above. The photographs in this book, taken by Francois Levalet with the help of a kiten form a series of astonishing compositions : a brand new way of seeing the landing beaches and of discovering, from a completely new angle, places you thought you know very well. Yves Buffetaut texts put the photos into perspective, and offer, in a few pages, a very complete overview of the D-Day landings. AUTHOR: Yves Buffetaut is a French historian, owner of Ysec Editions and Editor of two military magazines, Tranchees, about WW1 and Batailles, on WW2. He has written more than 100 books on both. 41 illustrations