Northern Beaches is a brilliant depiction of that area of Sydney which more than any other has made the reputation of the most beautiful city in the world. No photographer is better qualified than Ken Duncan - who spent many years living in the area - to convey the visual riches, and the inner spirit, of this special place.
Majestic cloud formations, light slanting over sandhills and caught in the tops of dune grass, breaking waves, the wind's artistic rock-carvings, and secret waterfalls, are shown as the backdrop to the densely populated landscape's human activity - the joy of beachgoers, the excitement of children's games, the simple dignity of fishermen and surfers who wrestle with the irresistible power of nature. These breathtaking images do more than just capture the physical appearance of these scenes; they also convey a spiritual dimension which shines through each of these pictures with an inner light.