With Dummies at your side, you can conquer O-chem
Organic chemistry is, well, tough. With Organic Chemistry II For Dummies, you can (and will!) succeed at one of the most difficult college courses you値l encounter. We make the subject less daunting in the second semester, with a helpful review of what you learned in Organic Chemistry I, clear descriptions of organic reactions, hints for working with synthesis and roadmaps, and beyond. You値l love the straightforward, effective way we explain advanced O-chem material. This updated edition is packed with new practice problems, fresh examples, and updated exercises to help you learn quickly. Observe from a macroscopic and microscopic view, understand the properties of organic compounds, get an overview of carbonyl group basics, and everything else you値l need to pass the class. Organic Chemistry II For Dummies is packed with tips to help you boost your exam scores, stay on track with assignments, and navigate advanced topics with confidence.
Brush up on concepts from Organic Chemistry I
Understand the properties of organic compounds
Access exercises and practice questions to hone your knowledge
Improve your grade in the second semester of Organic ChemistryOrganic Chemistry II For Dummies is for students who want a reference that explains concepts and terms more simply. It痴 also a perfect refresher O-chem veterans preparing for the MCAT.