The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne Paediatric Handbook�is�a trusted�guide�to managing common and serious�childhood�illnesses�and disorders.�This bestselling resource provides students and practitioners across�medical, nursing,�and allied health�fields with authoritative and up-to-date information on a comprehensive range of�paediatric�topics, enabling readers to make�the�appropriate decisions at the point of care.�
Now in its tenth edition, the�Handbook�features�clear illustrations�and�evidence-based�diagnostic and management algorithms�throughout, covering�resuscitation and�medical�emergencies,�prescribing and�therapeutics,�medicine, surgery,�procedures,�and much more.��
Contains accessible summaries of common and serious�paediatric�illnesses and disorders�
Aligns with latest clinical practice guidelines�
Features numerous full-colour�photos, illustrations, diagrams,�and�clinical images�
Provides practical guidance on professional ethics and communication in paediatric consultations�
Includes updated information on refugee�health�and�trans and gender diverse health�
Paediatric Handbook�is an invaluable reference�for�medical practitioners, nurses and�allied�health professionals,�as well as�students and trainees.��
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