The old Zar is dying and everyone but his heir has reason to wish him dead. Herezah, his elegant wife, can finally take her yearned-for position as Valide Zara and rule through her son, Boaz, whilst the ambitious Vizier seeks to ingratiate himself with this scheming woman. Salmeo, the cruel Grand Master Eunuch, will gain more power through an alliance with the Valide, if only she can forget his vile treatment of her in earlier years. It seems that only Pez, the demented, deformed court clown, and Lazar, head of Percheron's security, truly care about Boaz.
Lazar, charged with restocking the palace harem for Percheron's new young ruler, purchases the beautiful Ana. She is headstrong and gifted, and Pez and Lazar find themselves being helplessly drawn into the claustrophic palace politics and a wider web of intrigue concerning an ancient, cyclical battle between the demon, Maliz, and the Mother Goddess.