A mini guide to stopping smoking - permanently - from life coach Peter Cohen. Change your outlook, change your behaviour, change your life!
No one was born a smoker. Smoking is a habit, a behaviour that you have learned and practised so often that it has become second nature. Even though you may have choked on your first cigarette, you have now hard-wired your brain to believe that smoking makes you feel good. But it doesn't have to be that way - by focusing on who you want to become, habits can be broken. And what's more they can be broken easily!
This simple guide, authored by high-profile personal trainer and NLP consultant Peter Cohen offers effective, quick-fix strategies to help you stop smoking - for good. This book gives you all the tools necessary to tackle the stubborn, self-sabotaging behaviour that is preventing you from quitting smoking and to put in place productive patterns that will lead to a cigarette-free future and a healthy life.