Never get stuck inside an escape room again with this strategy guidebook to beating your favorite immersive interactive game�from a well-known game designer and enthusiast.
Chances are you have visited an escape room, whether for a birthday party, a corporate team-building exercise, or on a rainy Friday night with your friends. But how can you make sure you will always win?
Planning Your Escape is the perfect guide to making sure you never get stuck in another escape room again! Game designer extraordinaire Laura Hall has all the best strategies for every room you might encounter. She explores the principles behind the puzzles to help you see what youisquo;re missing so you can analyze your own strengths and weaknesses in the face of misdirection. She also gives tips for effective teamwork and communication, how to take hints, common codes and clues, and how to create your own experience at home.
Bringing in a cast of experts, Planning Your Escape is the must-have strategy book for any escape room enthusiast. Get ready to wow your friends with your new skills and never enter a room you canesquo;t get out of again!