How to choose the wheel you want, love the wheel you've got, and truly master the machine.|The flyer spinning wheel is a subtle machine. Understanding this ingenious tool, optimizing its performance, and making it work for you is key to becoming an accomplished spinner.
In this far-ranging video, Judith MacKenzie looks at several of the popular wheels available to spinners today, dissects their differences, gives pointers on get the best from them, and shares tips and hints on making your wheel as efficient and versatile as it was designed to be.
You'll learn:
How wheel size influences spinning
How the shape of your flyer affects your spinning
Why your hooks are on the same side of the flyer, or why you might want them to be
Why a pulley is not a whorl
How to spin six different yarns by making simple wheel adjustments
How to fill a flyer properly, and why it matters
And several dozen additional fascinating and critical facts and exercises that will make you a better spinner