How can we pray in the classroom setting? What prayers are appropriate? How do we help young people learn the prayers of the Church?
This Manual has been developed as a resource for teachers of religious education. Beth Nolan provides a detailed and thorough approach to understanding prayer in the school context and provides strategies for approaching prayer in the classroom context with students of all ages.
Areas explored include:
- Prayer and the Catholic school environment
- Strategies for evaluating the classroom using Scripture, images of God, symbols, how to create an environment for prayer and many more
- The traditional prayers: Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Nicene Creed, Apostles' Creed, The Rosary, Memorare, Magnificat, Hail Holy Queen, The Confiteor, Act of Contrition, The Angelus and others. For each of the prayers, an historical overview and teaching strategies are supplied.
This is an invaluable resource for RE teachers in both the primary and secondary classroom and also contains strategies for developing prayer with school staff.