Hundreds of Intriguing Facts About the World Around You - Science, Technology, Nature, Adventure, Culture.
Unravel the mysteries of the universe with the help of a team of experts from 'Focus', the UK's leading popular science magazine. This informative and highly readable book is packed with questions and answers to all those things that you have ever wondered about, but didn't know where to find an answer to.
If you have ever pondered why clocks go clockwise, what the most common parasite in the world is, or how far a sneeze can travel, then this is the book for you. Covering everything from science and technology to history, genetics, archaeology and even art, the questions range from the esoteric to the practical, but no query is too trivial or too difficult for Focus's team of experts to answer.
In this fascinating collection of questions from readers, as featured in the magazine's 'Questions & Answers' pages, you can learn more about the world around you than you ever realised you didn't know.