Parents and the Awakening of a Healthy Woman.
Revised Edition.
Girls are born believing that they can do anything, but our media-driven culture of mixed messages and conflicting values can make growing up a confusing and risky business. And for parents, it is a daunting responsibility to raise confident, independent daughters while still keeping them safe.
In this book, Jeanne and Don Elium address such complex challenges as:
- Peer pressure and evolving social roles
- Emotional effects of physical changes
- Moodiness, eating disorders, and depression
- The consequences of early sexuality
- The gender gap between girls and boys
- New research on ADD and ADHD in girls
- The mother/daughter, father/daughter relationship
- Daughters and single parenting
'Raising A Daughter' guides parents through each stage of a girl's development, from infant to toddler, through middle childhood, the teen years, and on into early adulthood.
A bestseller since 1994, this newly revised classic offers a sensitive balance of insight and information for new and experienced parents alike who want to help their daughters navigate within a society that often seems to exploit rather than encourage them.
In addition to being a practical exploration of what it means to have a daughter, 'Raising A Daughter' is a compassionate study of what it means to be a woman coming of age in today's world.
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