A Spiritual Approach to Money and Work
By integrating money and work with your spiritual path, you can become more loving, creating, and fulfilled in your day-to-day life. You can experience REAL wealth!
Jonathon Robinson explains that more than money is required to create real wealth in your life. You need to find work you enjoy and feel good about. You also need to know how to use money in a way that contributes to your growth as a person and your connection to Spirit.
Unfortunately, many people separate their financial and spiritual lives. They miss the joy of doing what inspires them because they haven't learned how they can integrate their career, monetary and success aspirations with their spiritual path. In this book, you'll learn a step-by-step approach to making Spirit your business and financial partner. You'll discover how to properly hear the "still, small voice" within and grow spiritually as you work towards manifesting your dreams and worldly goals. In other words, you'll master the keys to experiences real wealth!