This easy-to-use book has all the solutions to spills, messes and stains, and lots of other household horrors.
Let's face it, these days it's too easy to fill your supermarket basket with 'super' cleaning products that promise everything but are rarely a match for tried-and-true remedies. They tend to lighten your wallet at the checkout, too. And there's the environmental angle: many commercial kitchen and laundry cleaners may do the job, but too often they contain harmful chemicals and are best used sparingly if at all.
Removing Stains is a one-stop shop for effective, economical and eco-friendly cleaning tips for just about every situation. There's also advice on how to 'clean green', including recipes for simple, environmentally benign cleaners, and a Super Six list of everyday household ingredients that are great alternatives to harsh chemicals. And there are lots of suggestions for cleaning shortcuts to suit busy people who'd really rather be doing something else. And who wouldn't?