The anchor for Fox News's America's Newsroom tells the inspiring, heartwarming story of donating part of his liver to his sister-an unforgettable true tale of sibling love, generosity, faith, and the greatest gift one can give to another: the gift of life.On July 7, 2019, Ed Henry revealed some extraordinary personal news. His younger sister, Colleen, had been fighting a genetic degenerative liver disease for years, and had recently taken a turn for the worse. She needed a new liver. Telling viewers he would do, “whatever I can to give my sister the greatest gift of all, which quite simply is life,” he announced that, in the next few days, he would undergo surgery to remove a section of his healthy organ, which would then be transplanted in Colleen. The surgery was a success, and today, both Ed and Colleen are doing well. In Saving Colleen, Ed reflects on his childhood and close relationship with Colleen and recounts this life-changing journey they shared, from the many tests he underwent to determine if his liver would be a good match, to the outpouring of emotional and spiritual support he and his sister received when the news broke, to the day of the procedure and the first few weeks post-surgery and beyond. Beautiful and uplifting, Saving Colleen is a testament to the power of love, selflessness, and the unwavering bond two special siblings share.