145 x 200 x 20mm
They saved hundreds of animals from the dissecting knife by delivering white rats in tartan bows to all the VIPs in town. With cameras in their hands (and pegs on their noses) they staked out the city dump and captured on film contractors dumping truckloads of plastics instead of delivering them to recycling pants.
"They" are the Green Guerillas and their leader is Tess Robertson, a genius at planning campaigns, a whizz at manipulating the media - and a total failure at spending more than five minutes in either her mother's or her stepfamily's company without getting into an argument.
Despite fighting off leadership battles from within the group, pressure from her politician father and confusion about her mother's new lover, Tess leads the Green Guerillas into their biggest campaign yet. They want to stop a paper manufacturing plant being set up in town and pumping dioxin, one of the world's most toxic pollutants, into the air.
Surely this is too ambitious a challenge for a bunch of school kids.