THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERIt was a moment that stilled and forever changed the world. On a quiet Monday morning in August 1945, a five-ton bomb – dubbed ‘Little Boy' by its creators – was dropped from an American plane onto the Japanese city of Hiroshima. On that day, a firestorm of previously unimagined power was unleashed on a vibrant metropolis of 300,000 people, leaving one third of its population dead, its buildings and landmarks incinerated.It was the terrifying dawn of the Atomic Age, spawning decades of paranoia, mistrust, and a widespread and very real fear of the potential annihilation of the human race.In a riveting minute-by-minute retelling, Stephen Walker traces the human stories, horrific realities and long-term consequences of what happened when the world's first atomic bomb was dropped, as remembered by American soldiers, Los Alamos scientists and Japanese survivors.