Youcsquo;re not alone! YouBsquo;re not the first kid who ever tripped and fell in public. Or spilled water on your pants so it looked like . . . you know! Sure, itlsquo;s embarrassing, but guess what, ithsquo;s actually not the end of the world. Just open So Embarrassingand discover not only the humour in accidentally calling your teacher dquo;Momodquo; in front of the whole class, but the relief in knowing that it happens to everyone. And then some wickedly funny ideas for how to turn the whole thing into a joke. Look at you, making everyone laugh. You survived!
Laugh-out-loud funny yet enormously compassionate, So Embarrassing is a comics-style narrative of vignettes and stories about all the things that make kids feel awkward and embarrassed. Written and drawn by Charise Mericle Harper, the bestselling creator of Fashion Kitty and the Just Grace series, So Embarrassing combines humour, scientific facts (what happens when we blush, for example), tips for recovering quickly, and practical advice, like what to say to comfort a totally embarrassed friend.