We all crave happiness, yet why are so many of us unable to find it? After returning home from a mountain climbing trip in Russia, Peter Sherwood was struck down with severe depression. Hospitalised and in a serious condition, he struggled back to health, desperate for answers. What had caused his breakdown? How could he prevent another descent into the abyss? And how could he find happiness?
In the industrialised West we are materially better off than ever before and yet less happy. As a species we are incredibly successful; if we want something badly enough we can usually get it. Why can't we have all the happiness we want?
Peter Sherwood's battle with depression led him to the conclusion that perhaps chasing happiness is not the solution. Yet how could he change his focus, and simply feel good - most of the time?
'So, You Want To Be Happy' is one man's answer to the search for happiness, based on his own experience and from working with large numbers of people in the field of personal development. His answer was to give up the exhausting and life-consuming pursuit of that ephemeral thing we call happiness. Instead, he found a positive and practical way to feed good - most of the time.