The story of Tane, Sajha and Masio begun in 'First Hunter' continues, with Maragon in the hands of the rebels, but vulnerable to the vengeful retaliation of the evil Lord Kuso. Tane and Sajha must both leave the city in search of allies and resources, Tane travelling with Wazid to the fabled lands of the Eastern Empire, where his petition to the Grand Caliph involves him in a deadly battle with the powerful order of Genie Mages and the Brotherhood of Assassins.
Sajha meanwhile has travelled alone to the Spirit City, where strange secrets that underlie the world she knows begin to be revealed, including the origin of the shinto magic she wields. All of the elements which appealed in First Hunter are again incorporated into a fast paced story, with the themes and issues introduced in First Hunter expanded and fleshed out, to give a wider understanding of the larger story.
Dale Elvy is proving to be a talented and focussed fantasy writer who has studied his craft and is applying his knowledge with skill and imagination.