Sixth Edition.
This new edition of the 'Style Manual' provides guidance and recommendations for anyone faced with the task of preparing material for publication: from publication managers and authors to designers, editors, screen-based publishers, indexers and printers.
The book represents a major revision, in response to the extensive changes that have been occurring in the publishing industry since the fifth edition was produced in 1994. It contains detailed advice on publishing in both print and electronic formats; it emphasises the importance of focusing on the audience's needs when planning, structuring, writing, designing and editing a publication; and it reflects a more multicultural and global outlook that recognises the influence of the Internet on publishing.
A fresh approach to the manual's design and layout also makes it more user-friendly. The procedural steps in publishing form the underlying structure of this new edition. With the trend to outsource much of the specialised work in publishing, there is a need for a wider understanding of what is involved in the separate activities and how to integrate them effectively. Advice is therefore given on how to plan, undertake and evaluate a publishing project. General practices in the editing, design, electronic publishing, indexing and printing fields are also discussed.
This edition builds on the style manual's reputation as an outstanding Australian reference work for publishing professionals in both the public and private sectors. It continues to provide the detailed advice on best practices in writing, editing, design and production - updated where necessary - that has made the 'Style Manual' a standard reference work for all those who understand the value of effective communication.