Organizational leaders, governments and trade unions all agree that learning is fundamental to organizational and economic success. The question is how it should best be supported. The Handbook of Work Based Learning delivers a compelling answer to this question. Learning needs to be based in the realities of organizational life. This unique, groundbreaking handbook provides a definitive guide to the set of strategies, tactics and methods for supporting work based learning. The three main parts of the Handbook, which focus in turn on strategies, tactics and methods, are written for both the learner and the professional developer alike. Each includes a description of the process (strategy, tactic or method), provides examples of what it looks like in action, explains the benefits and the likely limitations and provides a set of operating hints for applying the process. Since this involves 10 distinct strategies, 11 separate tactics and over 35 detailed methods, the Handbook is a definitive reference.
Nothing has been neglected, so alongside detailed descriptions of what to do and how to do it, the authors have included the Declaration on Learning, created by thirteen of the major figures in the field of organizational learning, a section guiding you towards routes for gaining qualifications, along with a well-researched set of references and further reading. The Handbook is published in hardback and CD ROM editions. The CD ROM edition contains all of the elements of Parts Two, Three and Four of the book (the strategies, tactics and methods) in.pdf format. The CD ROM comes with an intranet licence which allows developers and managers to share what is effectively an A-Z guide to work based development with everyone within the organization. Work based learning is often, by its very nature, a difficult and intangible process to influence and understand. This essential guide for professional developers and learners alike, provides a very tangible set of ideas from three of the leading writers and consultants on learning at work.