The Quest For the Real King Arthur
In this explosive book the authors, using ancient historical records, show that Britain was never fully conquered by the Romans but retained its culture, its royal families intermarrying with the Caesars. With the coming of Joseph of Arimathea in AD 37, its kings become converts to Christianity and the island the secret home of many of Jesus' followers.
Two of those kings were named Arthur - one, Arthur I of Warwickshire, the fourth-century son of the emperor Magnus Maximus, the other his sixth-century descendant and a king of Glamorgan - their careers rolled into one and elaborated upon by medieval poets, they became the single King Arthur of myth and legend.
As a result of research going back over forty years, the authors are able to reveal the location of the graves of both Arthurs, the location of Camelot, the burial place of the true cross of Christ' and uncover a secret historical current that links our own times with the mysteries of Arthur and the Holy Grail. In doing so, they challenge many orthodox beliefs perpetuated by a Church with long ago lost touch with its roots.