Whether you live in a large house or a single room, it can become a haven and refuge from this stressful world. Our ancestors honoured the home as a sacred space which provided protection and peace; we too can reawaken this sense of spirit in our home, and turn it into a sanctuary which can heal the body, calm the mind and soothe the soul.
Spirit of the Home will show you what your living space says about you and your life � and whether it reflects what you really need. It explains how you can let your home help you live the life you really want � physically, emotionally and spiritually.
The whole process is simple and fun. You will find out how to:
Arrange your home to help you attract love, success, energy and wealth
Use colour, sound and light for health and harmony
Use feng shui to improve the quality of your life
Clear clutter � painlessly � and simplify your space
Find a 'space of your own' in which to relax and be renewed.
Spirit of the Home is a book about transformation. It will inspire you to look at your home � and yourself � in a whole new light.
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