The entertaining and often humorous second volume of this book talks about moving to Australia with a bag full of dreams (his own and his family’s) and lot of expectations, where the only option he saw was keeping his head down and running the real marathon of his life. Something he had been preparing for. It also covers the Australian landscape from the eyes of an international student and some reality vs expectations journey, meeting a partner who would stand by him in this race to the finish line, convincing his Indian parents to let him marry a white girl they have never met, going back home after five years after he felt he had achieved something to take them to the next level. Follow Divesh as he worked towards being able to survive and grow in a country he was still getting used to, after he came here with $1000 in his bank to making it possible to save about $150,000 to have the chance for his family to be able to be part of that same dream life that was now true for him.
He hopes this book gives the lessons he did not get earlier in his life, to show that its possible if you keep having a go at your goals even if it takes a lifetime. Hopefully he can achieve his goal of at least making one life better and helping youngsters to achieve more.