At the age of eighty-five my grandfather Napoleon decided he needed to try something new . . .
Everything starts to go south when Napoleon leaves his wife. An eighty-five-year-old former boxer with a restless, youthful spirit, Napoleon decides to say to hell with it all! He wants a new life. With his ten-year-old grandson Leonard Sunshine, he embarks on a moving adventure, a rebellion against everything that takes the fun out of life. Above all, Leonard is determined to spare his grandfather the fate of the elderly - his final years spent exiled in a retirement home.
The chaotic duo adopt a dog, drive a fake taxi, escape to the seaside, sabotage door-to-door salesmen and plot to kidnap a famous radio star.
From the heart of Paris to the coast of Normandy, THE LAST ADVENTURE OF NAPOLEON SUNSHINE is a moving, life-affirming and melancholy tale of new beginnings and the importance of family.