A few months before his eighteenth birthday, Hector runs away to the remote Isle Royale on Lake Superior. In the spring, when he値l be legally free from his brutal uncle, he can go back to the mainland. Until then, he値l have to weather the vicious autumn storms and find a way to survive the hostile, uninhabited island.
But he痴 not as alone as he thinks. Anda is the Witch of November, the daughter of the lake itself, and she thirsts for storms and shipwrecks. When she finds Hector on her island, she should run him off for his own safety傭ut she痴 fascinated by him and his unusual ability to see her. For the first time, she might have found a reason to fight her bloodthirsty nature.
Hector is running away from violence; Anda has violence running in her veins. Together, they could save熔r destroy容ach other.