Do you ever get to the end of the day and feel like you've achieved nothing? Do you find it difficult to decide how to spend the small amount of free time you have? Do you ever wonder how some people seem to be able to do more with their time than others?
If you're feeling overwhelmed by all the things you need to squeeze into your day, unproductive or stuck in a daily routine that isn't making you happy, The Organised Time Technique is for you. This is Gemma Bray's unique method for organising your day that will stop you from trying to do everything (and feeling like a failure when you can't), keep you focused on how you use the time you have available, help you play to your strengths and, most importantly, stop worrying about what anyone else is doing.
So how does it work? The Organised Time Technique encourages you to look at the 24 hours you have each day as your time budget - at total of 48 30-minute tokens. It helps you work out how to spend those tokens in the best way possible by breaking down your day into Level 1 'non-negotiable' tokens such as sleeping and eating; Level 2 'essential' tokens like going to work and taking your children to school; and Level 3 'focus' tokens - the things you always want to get around to doing, but never quite manage such as taking up a hobby, reading a book, starting a side business or simply having a bath!
The Organised Time Technique can be adapted to fit any lifestyle or set of circumstances. It will help you discover that you can achieve more in the time you have and ultimately feel happier and more fulfilled.