The Shiatsu Handbook is divided into three sections. Section one, Foundation, provides a history of shiatsu along with that of macrobiotics. It examines the root causes of illness as well as fundamental principles of the natural forces that affect us all. It shows you how you can draw upon the healing process within each of us. Section two, Tools, explains how to give a complete shiatsu-acupressure treatment-including the lossening phase, designed to increase circulation and relax the body, and the whole body phase, the pressing and massaging of the neck, shoulders, back, abdomen, and arms. A discussion of the various touching techniques is also included. The third section, Balance, shows you specific acupressure techniques for over 150 common ailments, including allergies, arthrities, asthma, colds, fatigue, hay fever, headaches, high blood pressure, and more. Throughout the book the authors provide insights, advice, and practical tips based upon their own years of experience.