Full of fearsome fun!
A creepy collection of 10 specially selected tales to gently spook young scary-story fans and evoke a shiver of laughter as well as fright!
Featuring stories from a host of top children's authors and illustrators including Tony Ross, Dyan Sheldon and Nicholas Allan, this creepy compendium is packed with ghosts, witches, monsters and bogeymen - all the ingredients needed for a tremulous tale at bedtime, or any time!
Brand new illustrations from Nicholas Allan accompany a ghostly tale from Hilltop Hospital, the exuberant witch who got on at Paddington station brightens the lives of a host of commuters and a resourceful little boy catches the elusive Bogeyman.
These wonderfully creepy stories will thrill and delight the youngest of readers, without scaring them out of their wits! Stories featured are:
- 'A Witch Got On At Paddington Station' by Dyan Sheldon and Wendy Smith
- Marmaduke And The Scary Story' by Michael Ratnett and June Goulding
- 'The Little Scottish Ghost' by Franz Hohler and Werner Maurer
- 'The Dreambeast' by John Richardson
- 'The Ghost Of Hilltop Hospital' by Nicholas Allan
- Titchywitch' by Jean Baylis
- 'Captain Ding: The Double Decker Pirate' by David Cox and Graham Round
- 'Peter And The Bogeyman' by Michael Ratnett and June Goulding
- 'The Magic Lavatory' by Nicholas Allan
- 'The Shop Of Ghosts' by Tony Ross