A LIFE-CHANGING collection of over 100 inspiring words and photographs to embrace the PHENOMENAL WOMAN you truly are.
Discover the EMPOWERING PATHWAY for moving forward in life with wise women WHO WALK THE TALK.
‘One step at a time is all it takes to get you there.’ – Emily Dickinson
Step into a brand-new day and feel the amazing energy of walking through life with appreciation and zeal for its abundant possibilities, dreams and adventures.
With powerful inspirations and stunning photographs, expand your vision for the future with the sage words of remarkable women who shaped history – from abolitionist Harriet Tubman and suffragist Elizabeth Cady Stanton to novelist Charlotte Bronte and poet Emily Dickinson. Also includes quotes from previously unheard female voices, such as American suffagist Frances E. Willard, Scottish novelist Margaret Oliphant and Hatshepsut, female pharoah of Egypt.
To boost your mood and shift your mindset, you’ll find motivational mantras and images to accompany you as you go the distance and remind you that ’your destiny is always available’.
Whether a solo journey or in community with others, awaken the joy, strength and courage in each footstep on life’s path. You have an appointment with life and the time to focus on yours is NOW!