What is it you're after? A bus? A pineapple? A doctor? A windsurfing beach? Flick through the book, find the image of the thing you desire and simply point! Whether travelling for pleasure or on a business trip, we have all experienced the frustration of being unable to communicate our needs. This incredibly useful little book takes the hassle out of not being able to 'speak the language'. Covering all manner of potential scenarios and queries (Does the hotel have a gym? Where can one hire a bike? Is there a pharmacy nearby?) you name it, there's a clear image of it in here. Readers need only find the corresponding image and show it to the person they're asking, getting the answer they need in an instant, without a painful miscommunication or having to frantically scour every page of a phrase book. All becomes clear when you flick to the page and say, politely but firmly, 'This, Please!'