'From the Consulting Rooms of Dr Parsons, Ph.D.:
President George W Bush was first referred to me late in 2001, when the pressures of supporting a fragile economy, investigating capitalist fraud on a massive scale, adopting a steadfast line on ever-increasing US environmental abuses and waging an international 'war on terror' began to take their inevitable toll.
It was clear the President needed help. Using my patented Crayon Therapy-technique, over the next few months he attempted to find a new form of expression for his fears, hopes and darkest desires through the medium of Art.
Some of his most revealing efforts have now been collected together in these pages. For the first time we have a fascinating insight into the workings of the presidential brain: his reliance on his "Speshl Guys"; his curious and disturbing obsession with guns and "boms"; his grasp of international diplomacy and intimate revelations about his relationship with Prime Minister Tony Blair.
The results speak for themselves. The therapy continues.
Dr Parsons'