'This is the greatest book ever, no other book comes close, and definitely none of Obama's. Period.'
Sean Spicer
'Book is okay just please don't let Barron see the parts about porn stars and prostitutes.'
Melania Trump
'It's by a white guy? Sure, I'll endorse it.'
Steve Bannon
'Wouldn't it be great if all the innocent children could read lovely books like this one and dance in rainbows and not be judged for their role in what their parents do?'
Ivanka Trump
'I shot this book. It was fun. Now it is dead. Ha ha ha. Stupid book.'
Eric Trump
'.................................................... '
Jared Kushner
'??? ????? ?????????? ????????? ? ?????.'
- English translation 'This book is officially banned in Russia.'
Vladimir Putin
'I hate this book, it's fake news, very dishonest. But also I love this book, it's about me, I'm on the cover.'
Donald J. Trump
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