'The Tweenies' is an innovative pre-school television series for children aged three to five. Tweenies storybooks are based on events that occur in the program, so the Tweenies themselves are the main characters of the stories. In keeping with the high tech nature of the program, the books are illustrated with life-like, computer-generated models of the Tweenies and the set.
One day, Doodles rushes in from the garden and hides. What has frightened him? A dragon? A plant with teeth? Bella sends Jake to investigate and he finds a little green frog, which he names Norman. Jake thinks Norman would like to live with the Tweenies, but Max explains that frogs need to live in water, so Jake, Fizz, Max and Norman (in a box) go to the park to find him a watery home. They imagine the sort of friends Norman would make, and sing 'Five Speckled Frogs'. Then Jake says a long good-bye to Norman and puts him in his new home.