Fantastic Warhammer Crime Anthology, a perfect way to delve in to the world of Warhammer Crime...
No Good Men - A Warhammer Crime Anthology
Various authors
In the grim darkness of the far-future, there is a vast city... An urban sprawl of murder and corruption. A den of vice and elicit deeds, where the law is failing and justice is fleeting.
Glutted merchant-kings turn the wheels of industry, feeding the engine of war on distant worlds, and the lowly dream only of survival. Whilst the gilded prosper, hidden behind their fortress walls, the masses must find a place within the underbelly. But regardless of station, whether criminal or lawkeeper, one fact remains true – this city is dirty and no one escapes it without a little sin.
For in Varangantua, there are no good men.
A Warhammer Crime collection featuring stories by Chris Wraight, Graham McNeill, Guy Haley, Gareth Hanrahan, Nick Kyme, Darius Hinks and Marc Collins.