A Novel.
At the dawn of the new millennium, when the gods of greed, lunacy and prophylactics have gained priority seating with frequent flyer points, stand-up comic Lola Finkelstein appears like Badacea in a chariot with one missing wheel. Neurotic and damaged, frightened but perfectly pedicured, she fights the fight while most of us are being corporatised, mechanised and deodorised faster than ordering at a McDonald's drive-thru.
Should she trust the mysterious American with the cynical smile, Christopher Pillar, who lures her out of her g-string with whispers of a deal the state premier has made with Americans that will cost jobs and lives? Together with her friends Smokey Topaz, Freddy Farqou, Lawrence the Leather Master and Mimi Tomasevich, Lola launches herself into the sewer of state politics to save the day.