The 'Shining with Light' series has been written for young children in a way that captures a child's sense of wonder and learning, encapsulated in fun rhyme and story telling. The stories develop life skills such as friendship and social skills that children can relate to and put into practice in their everyday lives and experiences.
In this series our helper-light is depicted through a star on the chest of our friend Stellar Bear. 'Stellar' means constellation or star. Stars shine with light and are unique just as we are unique. When we turn on our light our true qualities can shine through. The star reflects the emotions of Stellar, and whispers trusting and true solutions when things go wrong. The star is our companion, our problem solver, our helper to make things right.
'When I'm Shining with JOY' explores what being JOYful looks and feels like. JOY is a stable emotion that is a deeper sense of contentment than happiness. JOY allows ones true self to shine through. This story acknowledges that things can and do go wrong in social situations. When strong emotions cause negative actions, there is a positive way to restore relationships and seek forgiveness. This allows us to shine with JOY once more.