The suggestion that our moon may have been artificially constructed is such an extraordinary idea that it would be only too simple to dismiss it out of hand. But keep an open mind: read, assimilate and consider the arguments put forward. Weigh up the hard scientific evidence presented in logical sequence, suspend your natural skepticism - and prepare to be dumbfounded. The evidence is compelling, the mathematics are irrefutable, the facts are indisputable and the conclusions are astonishing - and deeply disturbing.
Consider the importance of the Moon to humankind's very existence. Leading scientists agree that if the Moon were not exactly as it is, advanced life forms could never have developed on the Earth. Its size, its mass, its distance from the Earth and its movements are all critical to our existence. Yet experts also agree that the Moon should not be there - it does not obey the known rules of astrophysics, and there is no theory of its origin that explains the known facts.
It is also amazing that the Moon conforms to the prehistoric unit of linear measurement known as the 'Megalithic Yard' which the authors discovered and expounded in 'Civilization One'. The Moon is exactly 400 times smaller than the Sun and exactly 400 times closer to the Earth. It takes the Moon exactly 10,000 Earth days to complete 366 orbits of the Earth. The facts keep pouring in to confirm that the Moon has been made - to a blueprint that used Megalithic geometry and measures.
When all of the facts are dispassionately reviewed, it becomes unreasonable to cling to the idea that the Moon is a natural object. The only question that remains is: who built it?