Discover the dramatic changes that are affecting all learners. Web-based technology has opened up education around the world to the point where anyone can learn anything from anyone else at any time. To help educators understand what's possible, Curt Bonk employs his groundbreaking 'We-All-Learn' model to outline ten key technology and learning trends, demonstrating how technology has transformed educational opportunities for learners of every age in every corner of the globe. The book and its free companion Web site are filled with the stories about ordinary learners as well as technology and education leaders that reveal the power of this new way of learning. Curtis J. Bonk, PhD (Bloomington, IN), is Professor of Instructional Systems Technology at the School of Education at Indiana University. A highly popular speaker on technology in education, he is the coauthor of the Handbook of Blended Learning (978-0-7879-7758-6) and Empowering Online Learning (978-0-7879-8804-9).