'World Water Wars' is a graphic novel series that is set in a time when the wars of the world are fought over water. To work together to bring peace to all nations, a solution-driven agency has been established, with its agents embedded all over the world. The Singapore-based headquarters, which is located underneath the Singapore River, is headed by management known informally as the "Trinity". Though known as an agency that deals with domestic water issues of global significance, the agents spend most of their time "exporting" their "water mind" from one country to the next, fighting species and unknown earthly creatures that are the cause of great floods and droughts globally. Klein, the effective leader of the WWW, is half Indian and half Chinese, and has mysterious power that is connected to water memory. He is the brain of the organization, and when he is not conducting operations, he is working on inventions to curb water issues or catch monsters. Foster, one of the three in the management group, has been with the organization since a very young age. She has very little patience for "stupid" people, and she has a tendency to be extremely violent. For some reasons she dislikes Singaporeans, but she is obviously connected to the city emotionally. The third figure of the group is Made. He is a one-third British and one third South African. The remaining one third is unknown. He is hyperactive and constantly searching for the best game to play online. He is usually the one who exports around the world to "exotic" locations, fighting creatures from the deep realm.