When Yarn Bombing was first published in 2009, the idea that knitted and crocheted objects could be used as a political act of resistance was brand new. Ten years and thousands of public acts of yarnarchy later, the art of knit and crochet graffiti has entered the public zeitgeist, from the 'pussyhat' making the cover of Time to OLEK�s crocheted bull on Wall Street symbolising The Great Recession: a cultural phenomenon that shows no sign of slowing down.
Yarn bombing is an international guerrilla movement that started underground and is now embraced by crochet and knitting artists of all ages, nationalities, and genders. Its practitioners create stunning works of art out of yarn, then donate them to public spaces as part of a covert plan for world yarn domination, or fashion them into personal political statements.
Yarn Bombing the book is a wildly colourful guide to covert textile street art around the world. It also includes over 20 amazing patterns, provides tips on how to be as stealthy as a ninja, demonstrates how to orchestrate a large-scale textile project, and offers revealing information necessary to design your own yarn graffiti tags.