The story follows the trials and tribulations of Sugar, a 16 year-old Aboriginal fringe-camp dweller. Set in Darwin during the Japanese bombing raids, we meet characters such as: Horatio Humphris (Horrid Hump), Chief Protector of Aborigines, teetotaller and 42 year old virgin; Ralphie Brown, who has the unedifying honour of being the only public servant to ever be sacked; Drew Hepplewaite, redneck racist and female patrol officer armed with balls of steel; and the Administrators wife, Penelope, who has a fetish for anything oriental. Then theres Sugars mate Nig Nog, who teaches Sugar a few useful tricks of the trade while they do time at the Half-Caste Compound; Fuel Drums suspicious death at the hands of his six-month-old granddaughter, Honey; and Horseshoe with his wayward and slutty wife, Brumby. With the Aboriginal Ordinances Act and the White Australia policy set as a backdrop, Sugars resistance to assimilation and the attempts by Horrid Hump and his henchmen to enforce it becomes a protracted battle that ends at the Christmas party from Hell. Interspersed with illicit affairs, stolen children, leprosy and fucking foreigners, this story sees Sugar and her oppressors finally meet on a level playing field that none of them ever expected a Japanese bombing raid.