In the third instalment in the Knights' Tales series, Gerald Morris tells the laugh-out-loud tale of King Arthur's most celebrated knight, and nephew, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. With lively illustrations by Aaron Renier, Morris creates a captivating and comical medieval world that teems with humour and wonder. This chapter book is sure to set young readers on another rollicking and hilarious Arthurian adventure! Ages: 6 to 9 Grades: 1 to 4 AUTHOR: When Gerald Morris was in fifth grade he loved Greek and Norse mythology and before long was retelling the stories to his younger sister and then to neighbourhood kids. He began carrying a notebook in which he kept some of the details related to the different stories. The joy he found in retelling those myths continued when he discovered other stories. According to Gerald Morris, "I never lost my love of retelling the old stories. When I found Arthurian literature, years later, I knew at once that I wanted to retell those grand tales. So I pulled out my notebook . . . I retell the tales, peopling them with characters that I at least find easier to recognize, and let the magic of the Arthurian tradition go where it will." Other title in the series: Adventures of Sir Givret the Short - 9780547248189 Adventures of Sir Lancelot the Great - 9780547237565